Right now being in genos during USTZ isn't any different than being in an NPC corp and soloing by yourself or flying with with people you know from other corps. There will likely be no one online for you to fly with. Unlike most other corps, we don't hang out on voice comms to chat. EUTZ is dying down also and we aren't flying with each other much. I would say that maybe only 4-6 people in the corp are active in game and mostly they are in EUTZ and doing their own thing.
I want to do you a favour and say no because I feel that you'd probably leave after a few weeks or join and never log on after a week. More than half of the people recruited have done this.
To give you an example:
Sian Ka'an wrote:
Duncan Tanner wrote:
Sian Ka'an wrote:
Started in noobcorp, just like all of us, eventually got sick of it and joined some 0.0 recruitment corp thingie. Was in there for 30 days or so ALONE. Took a break from eve caus playing by yourself sucks.
You might find that our USTZ can resemble this experience. There will be 2-3 guys on soloing in random places all over eve during this time. So you'll end up soloing until one of us stops being lazy and starts running gangs (maybe in a month or so). Sometimes people will be up for a 2 or 3 man gang if you ask. How do you feel about this?
I do feel a bit undecided on that to be honest. On one side it is nice to not have the constant commitment to fleets as i have been playing a lot of eve lately and am looking at getting out and do other stuff as well.
On the other side, 2 or 3 people is 2 or 3 people more than i had in that one corp i was talking about. I dont see a problem with it personally, as long as an activity level as low as you stated above is not a constant state of affairs.
And perhaps i should say that i usually log on around 10pm pst. I am late US/AUSSIE.
Sian said it would be ok and then stopped logging on after a week. Our activity has gotten worse since this.
However your application isn't bad. So do you still want to join after what I've said? If so, why?