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 Post subject: Re: Turbular Knight
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:37 pm 
Brutal Dictator
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Raimo wrote:
Demeo recently got out of prison and has welfare for interweb connectivity yes

Ahahaha, interesting times ahead. Although I myself actually enjoy his rare but awfully enlightening intelligent and serious posts


 Post subject: Re: Turbular Knight
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:42 pm 
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Hvor i Norge bor du, vi har et stort problem i corpet ettersom det er dobbelt så mange svensker her enn nordmenn. + at de svenskene har alliert seg med svensk-talende finner. Det er ikke lett å være norsk på disse forumene, tenker jeg blir bomba med neg reps av diverse h8rs nå ass.. blir lei meg.


 Post subject: Re: Turbular Knight
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:44 pm 
Brutal Dictator
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Don't start another race war on the forums please thrash with your anti-swede sentiments. Or does morel not have mod here?


 Post subject: Re: Turbular Knight
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:47 pm 
Brutal Dictator
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I got mod everywhere, but I dont mind the hatred. I am used to it from his kind. We all know norwegians have an inferiority complex when it comes to swedes.


 Post subject: Re: Turbular Knight
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:49 pm 

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Shiroi_Okami wrote:
Raimo wrote:
Shiroi_Okami wrote:
:D Fine.

I'll stop hating on AB frigs for the moment. That last response of his was not so bad.

See, Rhak was right all along

Also this thread needs Demeo

What did Rhak say about it?

Also does 'El Negro' Moisander even post anymore?

Also Knight I'm talking about the fact you appear to have mixed a standard dp ranis with an ares, yet kept the scram. Which doesn't make much sense and will just result in instant death vs another combat ceptor

Scram sure came in handy in this one. And besides i always found a great joy packing it in fleet engagements for killing the speed of other nearby tacklers on grid. I am not a failfree pilot far from it i make errors like most humans do, and when i do i dont go home crying (too much) about it its still a game and in games you win some and lose some. All the Pro talk i mentioned in my app i honestly hope you guys see that i am mentioning looked at from an ironic aspect if you look a little closer it should be there in plain text

 Post subject: Re: Turbular Knight
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:50 pm 
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Morel Nova wrote:
I got mod everywhere, but I dont mind the hatred. I am used to it from his kind. We all know norwegians have an inferiority complex when it comes to swedes.

theres two of u, and one of me. WTF am I supposed to do m8


 Post subject: Re: Turbular Knight
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:52 pm 
Brutal Dictator
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I wasn't talking about the sarcastic bits.

As far as the taranis goes my point is even in a fleet format where you are tackling, if you are flying a taranis, 3 stacked speed mods is always less useful than dps rigs/mag stab, especially as you said yourself, for wiping out the other side's tackle. A well flown taranis with no speed mods will catch any tackler in a fleet engagement without any issues, and if you come up against another combat ceptor like a claw or ranis or sader, you'll have the dps and ehp to take it out, which with speed mods in place of DPS mods you will not.


 Post subject: Re: Turbular Knight
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:57 pm 

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ThrashPower wrote:
Hvor i Norge bor du, vi har et stort problem i corpet ettersom det er dobbelt så mange svensker her enn nordmenn. + at de svenskene har alliert seg med svensk-talende finner. Det er ikke lett å være norsk på disse forumene, tenker jeg blir bomba med neg reps av diverse h8rs nå ass.. blir lei meg.

Ahaha! :lol: Jeg bor den "møkkete" hovedstaden vår der du ikke kan ferdes trygt langs akerselva dersom du er møkk dritings! Uanstendig antrukket og har langt blondt hår!

 Post subject: Re: Turbular Knight
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:03 pm 
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Turbular, I'll be honest and upfront so as to not waste your time.
No one ever gets recruited into Genos by just posting an application here. Especially if you don't know anyone in the corp already. Arguing about fits or trying to defend yourself will only make it more difficult for you.

Join "Genos Public" ingame channel, and try to talk to people there. The only way you'll have a chance is if you go on some corp roams (which is not likely to happen for a while since all the tourney stuff is over), or if you get to know some people in corp.

Try and see who's online and active, and go pvp with them so they can see if you're "retarded" or not, and whether you fit in. We roam a lot with Podla as well, they have similar play style and are way more active than Genos. So you could try to roam with them as well.

Good luck.


 Post subject: Re: Turbular Knight
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:05 pm 

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Shiroi_Okami wrote:
I wasn't talking about the sarcastic bits.

As far as the taranis goes my point is even in a fleet format where you are tackling, if you are flying a taranis, 3 stacked speed mods is always less useful than dps rigs/mag stab, especially as you said yourself, for wiping out the other side's tackle. A well flown taranis with no speed mods will catch any tackler in a fleet engagement without any issues, and if you come up against another combat ceptor like a claw or ranis or sader, you'll have the dps and ehp to take it out, which with speed mods in place of DPS mods you will not.

You are right indeed. But like i said i haven't tweaked around too much on my ranis fits since atleast up till this point i haven't had any issues with it besides like you said right there i lost an solo engagement here a year back Would never have happened if i did a tune up prior to the fight yes sir you are indeed correct. I used to be a speed junkie, that has changed slowly over time and i have started to utilize better options for my rig outlet by now and iv'e cranked my navigation skills more since back then aswell, so i dont have the need for speed rigs that much anymore

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