What are the the names of all your characters?Avalaxus (all-time main)
actuarius (trading alt, semi-dead)
jahmatar Nar'shii (dead, need him as memory)
How much SP does each have, link their character sheets (http://www.eve-sheet.com/) and summarise their specshitloads
Link a reasonably complete killboard historyit's so full that killboard is dead because of overdose.
Why are you leaving your current corp?wtf i can't leave you guys
Why do you want to join Genos Occidere?because i'm want to join Genos Occidere.
Do you have any sponsors to vouch for you that are currently in Genos?El'Tar . If he says that he's not my sponsor, then any of his alts will do.
Is there anything else you want to tell us that would help your application?I was born in USSR.