Never Hurts to Try so :
1. About you irl: How old are you in real life?17(may or may not be younger)
how often can you play eve?Log on every day to see whats up unless doing something irl
Where are you from in real life?Latvia
What timezone do you live in?+2 GMT (altough mostly i am also available during aussie TZ)
What languages do you speak?Latvian, English, little russian
2. About you in eve: How many skillpoints do you have? apart from my ''espionage'' alts i have one main carrier alt, she can also fly freighters, jump freighters, logistics among other things
what ships can you fly, what do you have experience flying?Full List version: Battlecruisers, Amarr/Caldari/Gallente BS, t2 frigs, dictors, HAC's/Recons
I mainly enjoy flying hurricanes and ruptures, because they are expendable and potent.
For the popular mach gangs i can bring a Huginn, Basilisk, or a dictor/tackler.
What kind of PvP format do you enjoyAnything up to 20ish, pretty much any format
Please link a public killboard with your stats. How do you finance your pvp within eve?Savings, investments etc...
3. About you in Genos Why do you want to join Genos?I flew with you for the past month and was on a few roams back when Retards was still Roams and enjoyed Garmon's style of FCing and flying with you alot.
List any references you have in corp.I haven't really asked anyone personally so can't say i do.
Talk about, in brief, your past year in eve, your recruitment history and what you've been doing.iirc for 1 year 3 months was in a single corp (the green machine) first few months was active and pretty fun on roams, but about 5-6 months ago it became stagnated and inactive.Last month joined crackture under Lord Nrom's ruling, although