Nexus Kinnon wrote:
u realise the employment rate (at least in the uk) is not actually very different for people graduating in compsci as opposed to for example the classics or history? seriously there is very little difference. if you want a job when you graduate be a fucking dentist, not a STEM subject.
and are you seriously comparing gender studies to brainwashing? holy shit what is wrong with you? literally if you disagree even slightly with the mainstream view of gender roles then you're some kind of femininazi lesbian man hater or what? idk wtf is even going thru ur head here
i didn't study women's studies but i had similar opinions to you, i.e.: oh there's no real problems, we're done with that now, feminists are bra burning lesbians, heh
then i actually went out and read a bunch of feminist literature to decide if there was anything to it and i came to the conclusion, looking at the evidence, that they had a fucking point. can you honestly say that you've given it the same chance instead of just dismissing it as it doesn't fit into your whole fuckin weltanschauung? if you want i can find you some links/books that are accessible and readable for you to check out.
Feel free to point out articles to read. I do read up on stuff so I can argue with feminists. Basically everyone I know is a self proclaimed feminist so I'm no uneducated in this. I can even agree that there are areas were women are held back, but I dont think there are other solutions than "stop bitching and become role models" that dont impact on the rights of individuals (the most important right in my view. being liberal). You dont become a role model by doing womens studies, it only creates retarded blame games. Are there people doing "Black peoples studies" as an actual university program?? If not how can we justify womens studies?
Granted I have also not checked out exactly what they study but I do read /r/feminism as well as a few feminist blogs and an incredibly skewed world view is very common. Just as much as Bunk. There is just no room for logic.
I feel like we discussed this a million times in the feminist thread tho. It was just an example of a topic that I consider fucking useless (remember after sleep you have 17 hours left of the day. You can spend some of your free time readign whatever you like).
I dont have a problem with people studying whatever as long as they have a plan to become productive citizens somehow (remember this is sweden, my tax money pays for 5 years of studies for everyone so I hope for the money to be used for good). I don't really use much of any skills I picked up in uni and am more or less self taught for the shit I need to do at work, although uni improved my thinking and learning capabilities a lot.
btw in sweden the list in order of highest chance of employment:
1. engineers
2. computer stuff
3. Medicine, especially specialist doctors (we have really fucked up limitations on doctor positions in sweden. its one of the big problems with it)
4. Dentistry
5. Construction worker
6. Practical education, such as mechanics etc
7. Teacher
I tried to find a list of the worst ones. and they listed
- Media & Communication (classic I dont know wtf I want so I'll pick somethign nobody else knows what it is either)
- Sociology studies (would include womens studies I guess?)
- Philosophy. This was worse at only 13% employment chance.