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 Post subject: Director convo with TWV
PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2009 10:01 pm 
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Channel ID: 2143807553
Channel Name: Group Chat (Liandan, Chiggie, Garmon)
Listener: Nexus Kinnon
Session started: 2009.05.23 20:06:02

[ 2009.05.23 20:06:05 ] Garmon > hi nexus, chiggie is currently afk but he should come back in a short while
[ 2009.05.23 20:06:19 ] Garmon > nexus is much better with words than i
[ 2009.05.23 20:06:22 ] Nexus Kinnon > Hey guys
[ 2009.05.23 20:06:22 ] Liandan > he is almost done. just a short moment
[ 2009.05.23 20:06:36 ] Nexus Kinnon > NP
[ 2009.05.23 20:06:49 ] Nexus Kinnon > Are we waiting for him to get back or are we just gonna start?
[ 2009.05.23 20:06:53 ] Chiggie > kk, here, Wow Liandan, why not tell him I was waxing my balls,....
[ 2009.05.23 20:07:07 ] Nexus Kinnon > Hey Chiggie
[ 2009.05.23 20:07:09 ] Chiggie > so much for OPSEC
[ 2009.05.23 20:07:15 ] Liandan > sorry bout that.
[ 2009.05.23 20:07:41 ] Nexus Kinnon > Right, so
[ 2009.05.23 20:08:00 ] Nexus Kinnon > I believe Garmon's already said that we're going to re-dec you guys if we can't reach an agreement
[ 2009.05.23 20:08:23 ] Nexus Kinnon > I don't want this to be some gay as shit testosterone filled bullshitting meeting, i'd like it if we could hammer out an agreement
[ 2009.05.23 20:08:41 ] Nexus Kinnon > I think we've conclusively proven that we can inflict large losses to you without taking many ourselves, time and time again
[ 2009.05.23 20:08:46 ] Nexus Kinnon > Not to brag, but the stats are there
[ 2009.05.23 20:08:49 ] Nexus Kinnon > So
[ 2009.05.23 20:08:49 ] Chiggie > if "by agreement" you mean anxfer of isk, it;s not happening
[ 2009.05.23 20:09:07 ] Nexus Kinnon > we're not after isk
[ 2009.05.23 20:09:25 ] Nexus Kinnon > We simply would like it if you'd replace Suitonia's Myrmidon, and an apology to Suitonia
[ 2009.05.23 20:09:36 ] Chiggie > nuts
[ 2009.05.23 20:09:45 ] Nexus Kinnon > Not a major ask, I feel
[ 2009.05.23 20:10:22 ] Garmon > considering that's only 2% of the damage we've inflicted, and we can start running organized gangs when the bug gets fixed ( in 3 days )
[ 2009.05.23 20:12:02 ] Liandan > well i'm pretty sure these things will not happen: 1. reimbursement, 2. an appology, and 3. acer being booted. so i guess that means we can conclude this converstation and you may as well lock and load in 3 days. am i right chig?
[ 2009.05.23 20:12:26 ] Nexus Kinnon > Notice that we've dropped our demand of Acer being kicked
[ 2009.05.23 20:12:36 ] Nexus Kinnon > I just told you our revised requests
[ 2009.05.23 20:12:53 ] Chiggie > well if you drop your remaining 2 requests then all will be fine
[ 2009.05.23 20:13:05 ] Nexus Kinnon > I'm impressed
[ 2009.05.23 20:13:20 ] Nexus Kinnon > At how much bravado you have for an allijance that's lost so many members, so many ships
[ 2009.05.23 20:13:45 ] Nexus Kinnon > Just because they're too full of themselves
[ 2009.05.23 20:13:54 ] Nexus Kinnon > To acknowledge when they fucked up
[ 2009.05.23 20:14:08 ] Liandan > i detect the testosterone level rising....
[ 2009.05.23 20:14:11 ] Nexus Kinnon > It's extremely simple, it's extremely cost-effective for you
[ 2009.05.23 20:14:55 ] Nexus Kinnon > I'm the one trying to sort this shit here
[ 2009.05.23 20:14:58 ] Nexus Kinnon > So we can both move on
[ 2009.05.23 20:15:11 ] Nexus Kinnon > I've dropped the bullshit, now it's your turn
[ 2009.05.23 20:15:23 ] Liandan > nothing holding you back from moving on. it's your war.
[ 2009.05.23 20:15:40 ] Chiggie > well we are going no where else, Consider yoursleves welcome to move on then
[ 2009.05.23 20:16:37 ] Garmon > Guess this is what chrome meant
[ 2009.05.23 20:16:38 ] Nexus Kinnon > You have lost over 100 ships, I estimate around 6b in value
[ 2009.05.23 20:16:48 ] Nexus Kinnon > You have lost over 50 members
[ 2009.05.23 20:17:02 ] Nexus Kinnon > You are still infiltrated, I still listen to you both on vent quite often
[ 2009.05.23 20:17:14 ] Nexus Kinnon > I am giving you a simple solution
[ 2009.05.23 20:17:50 ] Liandan > really? listen to me as well? then you must know that i would NEVER yield to you. not for any reason, not at any time. no matter the cost. in or out of TWV.
[ 2009.05.23 20:18:09 ] Garmon > why did you offer to replace the myrmidon last time we spoke then?
[ 2009.05.23 20:18:16 ] Chiggie > Me? Never
[ 2009.05.23 20:18:19 ] Garmon > liandan
[ 2009.05.23 20:18:20 ] Liandan > i'm sure that a few of the core TWV members probably feel the same as i do
[ 2009.05.23 20:18:27 ] Chiggie > Well hes a bit of a dove usually,...
[ 2009.05.23 20:18:37 ] Garmon > he came to our vent and offered to replace the myrmidon if we dropped the dec
[ 2009.05.23 20:18:38 ] Liandan > usually i am
[ 2009.05.23 20:19:04 ] Chiggie > which is why hes our dipllo
[ 2009.05.23 20:19:05 ] Liandan > as i do recall i told you that i was acting on my own behalf.
[ 2009.05.23 20:19:20 ] Garmon > what difference does that make
[ 2009.05.23 20:19:22 ] Liandan > not on behalf of twv.
[ 2009.05.23 20:19:23 ] Nexus Kinnon > We don't care whose wallet the myrm comes from
[ 2009.05.23 20:19:37 ] Nexus Kinnon > We want a quick apology and a myrmidon + fit
[ 2009.05.23 20:19:38 ] Liandan > but here is the problem nexus
[ 2009.05.23 20:19:45 ] Nexus Kinnon > tell me it
[ 2009.05.23 20:19:51 ] Nexus Kinnon > I can't see it, apart from pride
[ 2009.05.23 20:20:01 ] Chiggie > well you may keep asking, but its not going to happen
[ 2009.05.23 20:20:21 ] Liandan > i offered a personal reconcilliation. but that was before i knew enough about you guys to start disliking you in the most extreme personal ways.
[ 2009.05.23 20:20:39 ] Garmon > sorry?
[ 2009.05.23 20:20:50 ] Liandan > now that i know what your mentality is like and that of your friends....
[ 2009.05.23 20:21:06 ] Garmon > What mentality?
[ 2009.05.23 20:21:22 ] Nexus Kinnon > You mean, playing the game to have fun without some macho bullshit
[ 2009.05.23 20:21:29 ] Nexus Kinnon > yeah, that sounds despicable.
[ 2009.05.23 20:21:56 ] Liandan > no point in discussing it. just get behind your guns or move on. sound about right chig?
[ 2009.05.23 20:22:02 ] Chiggie > Well for me, it's NOT personal, nor do I take it that way. It's political. We will not be extorted. Furthermore CVA has rules about ransom, extorsion, etc
[ 2009.05.23 20:22:20 ] Chiggie > nothign will be be pais, no apology issues, etc, etc
[ 2009.05.23 20:22:24 ] Garmon > Then why didn't you say that earlier?
[ 2009.05.23 20:22:27 ] Chiggie > er paid
[ 2009.05.23 20:22:35 ] Chiggie > I do not negotioate
[ 2009.05.23 20:22:39 ] Nexus Kinnon > move the goalposts some more
[ 2009.05.23 20:23:09 ] Nexus Kinnon > I like how you mention the CVA, I think perhaps the CVA might be thinking that TWV is too much hassle to have in their region after all this?
[ 2009.05.23 20:23:49 ] Chiggie > well that would be a queston for CVA no wouldn't it?
[ 2009.05.23 20:23:56 ] Chiggie > er now
[ 2009.05.23 20:24:14 ] Nexus Kinnon > yes.
[ 2009.05.23 20:24:18 ] Nexus Kinnon > It would.
[ 2009.05.23 20:24:41 ] Chiggie > i speak with them in a daily basis, and nothing has ever been mentioned about it, and since you were red b4 this, it changed nothign
[ 2009.05.23 20:25:08 ] Liandan > would it matter if we where in CVA space or not nexus? your war with us seems to be for reasons that CVA wouldn't really have any impact on.
[ 2009.05.23 20:25:43 ] Chiggie > well since we're really a 0.0 alliance the war dec is pretty meaningless
[ 2009.05.23 20:26:04 ] Garmon > with it gone it would mean we wouldnt go to y-m
[ 2009.05.23 20:26:46 ] Chiggie > well you we here before , and imho will be here after ,so this continues to be pointless
[ 2009.05.23 20:26:50 ] Liandan > you know you make it sound like your really doing us a favor. except i don't see it that way.
[ 2009.05.23 20:26:52 ] Chiggie > hte convo that is
[ 2009.05.23 20:27:11 ] Nexus Kinnon > Um, this is how we're doing you a favour
[ 2009.05.23 20:27:19 ] Liandan > please, enlighten.
[ 2009.05.23 20:27:31 ] Chiggie > he refering to using lube first i think lianda
[ 2009.05.23 20:27:40 ] Liandan > ... listens...
[ 2009.05.23 20:27:46 ] Nexus Kinnon > You do two very very very simple things, and you stop getting rapecaged in Y-M most nights?
[ 2009.05.23 20:27:51 ] Nexus Kinnon > We move on, roam elsewhere
[ 2009.05.23 20:27:53 ] Nexus Kinnon > Everyone wins
[ 2009.05.23 20:28:07 ] Nexus Kinnon > We will of course, still shoot at you, but we won't be in your home system
[ 2009.05.23 20:28:10 ] Nexus Kinnon > night in, night out
[ 2009.05.23 20:28:25 ] Nexus Kinnon > I just don't comprehend how you think I'm out to get you
[ 2009.05.23 20:28:34 ] Nexus Kinnon > (in this convo)
[ 2009.05.23 20:29:16 ] Liandan > there was this fight i was in once in grade school, a bully picking on me. traded shots with him, he wrested me to the ground, twisted and broke my ankle in the fall. pinned me and held me down with broken ankle and asked me to submit...
[ 2009.05.23 20:29:22 ] Chiggie > you really think we would endanger our standing with CVA by paying a ransom to you? I thiink not. And even if it wasn;t against their policy we wouldn't pay it..
[ 2009.05.23 20:29:34 ] Liandan > i bit him as hard as i could. then i grabbed his throat and choked the shit out of him
[ 2009.05.23 20:29:57 ] Liandan > beginning to get the picture nexus? no appology, no isk, no myrmidon. NEVER.

[ 2009.05.23 20:30:33 ] Chiggie > Ive known acer for almost 3 years, if he says sutonia was tryign to flee a 1 v 1 , then I believe him, and if I had an alt there I possibly would of done the same thing.
[ 2009.05.23 20:30:49 ] Nexus Kinnon > You don't have any standing to the CVA, you're neutrals
[ 2009.05.23 20:31:01 ] Chiggie > no, we are not
[ 2009.05.23 20:31:02 ] Nexus Kinnon > Since neither side has fraps, that particular argument is futile
[ 2009.05.23 20:31:12 ] Garmon > chiggie, do you know how I owned you so hard in that taranis 1v1? I controlled range, shooting outside of your optimal
[ 2009.05.23 20:31:20 ] Garmon > Suitonia was doing the same thing, acer was losing
[ 2009.05.23 20:31:54 ] Nexus Kinnon > And finally liandan, RL comparisons are also stupid, we are not "bullying" you
[ 2009.05.23 20:32:04 ] Chiggie > well im a shitty inty pilot for one, never been my forte, so killing me in an inty, is well, pretty easy
[ 2009.05.23 20:32:15 ] Garmon > that was just an example chiggie
[ 2009.05.23 20:32:19 ] Chiggie > /emote nods
[ 2009.05.23 20:32:45 ] Liandan > just illustrating that personal character traits come out in play style to some degree or another nexus. and in this case - no appology, no isk, no myrmidon.
[ 2009.05.23 20:34:01 ] Chiggie > a nd when there was a 1 v 1 with tox I sat there and watched 100km out in a deimos, not interferring, nor would I. Although our official policy on 1v1 is never to accept them, acer accepting it, is the only mistake he made.
[ 2009.05.23 20:35:29 ] Chiggie > well gents. if this is only going to continue in the same direction, this convos time has passed,...anything else?
[ 2009.05.23 20:35:55 ] Nexus Kinnon > Well
[ 2009.05.23 20:36:07 ] Chiggie > weeeeeeelllllll what/
[ 2009.05.23 20:36:21 ] Nexus Kinnon > It's clear that you care more about your shreds of shitty providence pet alliance pride more than you care about your members' ships
[ 2009.05.23 20:36:25 ] Nexus Kinnon > So the war continues
[ 2009.05.23 20:36:34 ] Garmon > I guess not, we were going to retract the wardec, but Liandan's comments has inspired me to keep it going
[ 2009.05.23 20:36:36 ] Liandan > - gasp -
[ 2009.05.23 20:36:47 ] Chiggie > o hliandan yo uare so fired
[ 2009.05.23 20:36:56 ] Garmon > although you wont see us untill the fix comes
[ 2009.05.23 20:37:12 ] Chiggie > ah well be so devistated to see you go
[ 2009.05.23 20:37:14 ] Chiggie > /emote tears up
[ 2009.05.23 20:37:27 ] Nexus Kinnon > Chrome told us not to bother...
[ 2009.05.23 20:37:45 ] Liandan > i might have said the same thing to chig about this convo earlier
[ 2009.05.23 20:37:46 ] Nexus Kinnon > I couldn't believe that alliance leadership could care so little about their members, but I guess live and learn
[ 2009.05.23 20:37:48 ] Chiggie > and yet you bothered anyway,,...touching
[ 2009.05.23 20:37:53 ] Liandan > but i dont remember
[ 2009.05.23 20:38:11 ] Garmon > Nexus that's probably why they live in Providence being CVA pets without even any sov
[ 2009.05.23 20:38:22 ] Chiggie > if you say so
[ 2009.05.23 20:38:44 ] Liandan > yes chig going back to my room now.
[ 2009.05.23 20:38:51 ] Garmon > What excuse do you have for your alliance being that low in the food chain?

*they leave*


 Post subject: Re: Director convo with TWV
PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 1:11 am 
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Joined: Tue May 19, 2009 11:43 pm
Posts: 5117
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Channel ID: 2136136304
Channel Name: =UGN=
Listener: Nexus Kinnon
Session started: 2009.05.23 14:32:07

[ 2009.05.23 14:32:07 ] EVE System > Channel MOTD: Hi my names bob and i like cheese
[ 2009.05.23 14:32:18 ] Nexus Kinnon > Sup
[ 2009.05.23 14:32:23 ] Count MonteCarlo > fix your ss u fag
[ 2009.05.23 14:32:43 ] Nexus Kinnon > :effort:
[ 2009.05.23 14:32:44 ] Nexus Kinnon > anyway
[ 2009.05.23 14:33:13 ] Nexus Kinnon > Anyone home? :|
[ 2009.05.23 14:34:34 ] chromez0r > im batting off shh
[ 2009.05.23 14:34:42 ] Count MonteCarlo > pics
[ 2009.05.23 14:34:46 ] Nexus Kinnon > [14:34:42] Count MonteCarlo > pics
[ 2009.05.23 14:34:47 ] Nexus Kinnon > plz
[ 2009.05.23 14:34:55 ] Lynx121 > Hey Guys
[ 2009.05.23 14:35:01 ] Count MonteCarlo > hi
[ 2009.05.23 14:35:05 ] Count MonteCarlo > lynx every 1 died after u left
[ 2009.05.23 14:35:10 ] Count MonteCarlo > apart from the people in proper ships that is
[ 2009.05.23 14:35:23 ] Lynx121 > lolz i heard you got two BSes too
[ 2009.05.23 14:35:32 ] Count MonteCarlo > yea and some more shit
[ 2009.05.23 14:35:43 ] Lynx121 > ya wished i could have stayed
[ 2009.05.23 14:36:50 ] Lynx121 > So what ya up to?
[ 2009.05.23 14:37:04 ] Count MonteCarlo > going to go solo
[ 2009.05.23 14:37:17 ] Lynx121 > :) have fun
[ 2009.05.23 14:37:22 ] Count MonteCarlo > ill try
[ 2009.05.23 14:38:34 ] Nexus Kinnon > Yo chrome, could you point me towards a TWV director
[ 2009.05.23 14:38:39 ] Nexus Kinnon > Who I could discuss the war w/
[ 2009.05.23 14:39:24 ] chromez0r > shh still batting off
[ 2009.05.23 14:39:29 ] chromez0r > but srs hold up
[ 2009.05.23 14:39:41 ] Count MonteCarlo > m8 why u taking so long
[ 2009.05.23 14:39:44 ] Count MonteCarlo > its like 2 mins 4me
[ 2009.05.23 14:39:49 ] chromez0r > rofl
[ 2009.05.23 14:40:57 ] chromez0r > mm the only twv head person whatsit doesnt have anything to do with w/decs and that side of shit
[ 2009.05.23 14:41:11 ] chromez0r > um
[ 2009.05.23 14:41:46 ] chromez0r > Toxicon or chiggie would be your best port of calls, but i honestly odnt see it happening due to e-peenage getting in the way
[ 2009.05.23 14:41:57 ] chromez0r > toxicon
[ 2009.05.23 14:42:05 ] chromez0r > chiggie
[ 2009.05.23 14:42:12 ] chromez0r > neither are online atm
[ 2009.05.23 14:43:24 ] AEISPOOK > but im here and i am awsome :)
[ 2009.05.23 14:43:47 ] Nexus Kinnon > Aight, is that it?
[ 2009.05.23 14:43:51 ] Nexus Kinnon > Any other directors I could speak to?
[ 2009.05.23 14:45:18 ] chromez0r > rofl spook
[ 2009.05.23 14:45:42 ] chromez0r > directors of twv? no thers 3, the two i linked, and zevul who doesnt want anything to do with w/decs
[ 2009.05.23 14:46:16 ] Nexus Kinnon > what i'm really trying to ask, is there anyone who is reasonable that I could talk to rather than someone who is pants on head up their own arse retarded
[ 2009.05.23 14:46:34 ] Count MonteCarlo > y arnt u a director chrome?
[ 2009.05.23 14:46:35 ] Nexus Kinnon > I've been on vent a reasonable amount with both of the people you linked and I somehow doubt they'll be reasonable
[ 2009.05.23 14:47:12 ] chromez0r > i dont want to be spending half my freakin eve time talking to shit heads over crap with cva and friends, also i havnt been offored :p
[ 2009.05.23 14:47:21 ] Count MonteCarlo > lol
[ 2009.05.23 14:47:34 ] chromez0r > and i agree nexus,
[ 2009.05.23 14:47:37 ] Count MonteCarlo > and why are you in a nrds alliance to begin with
[ 2009.05.23 14:47:39 ] chromez0r > i dont see it happening
[ 2009.05.23 14:47:41 ] Count MonteCarlo > it sounds like you try to pvp most of the time
[ 2009.05.23 14:48:06 ] AEISPOOK > OK noob alert :NRDS ?
[ 2009.05.23 14:48:13 ] Count MonteCarlo > not red dont shoot it
[ 2009.05.23 14:48:23 ] AEISPOOK > well duh
[ 2009.05.23 14:48:24 ] chromez0r > such a n00b spook
[ 2009.05.23 14:48:37 ] AEISPOOK > i knew that
[ 2009.05.23 14:48:52 ] Nexus Kinnon > eugh
[ 2009.05.23 14:48:56 ] AEISPOOK > *closes eyes starts batting again*
[ 2009.05.23 14:49:03 ] chromez0r > haha
[ 2009.05.23 14:49:11 ] Nexus Kinnon > I was hoping we could just have a nice chat with one another, get a little apology then all this nastiness would be done :<
[ 2009.05.23 14:49:46 ] chromez0r > as i said i doubt it will be that easy for you lol, too much 'proud' in this alliance
[ 2009.05.23 14:49:53 ] chromez0r > even if we got our asses handed to us
[ 2009.05.23 14:50:03 ] chromez0r > pride would have been a better word
[ 2009.05.23 14:50:04 ] chromez0r > but meh
[ 2009.05.23 14:50:06 ] chromez0r > you get my drift
[ 2009.05.23 14:50:37 ] Siebium Wada > fuck this jump bug shit im going to play L4D
[ 2009.05.23 14:50:37 ] chromez0r > also thanks for makin eve di hate me garmon :(
[ 2009.05.23 14:50:58 ] Count MonteCarlo > ur the 1 that got them red
[ 2009.05.23 14:51:13 ] Siebium Wada > we dont hat you, at least most of us dont
[ 2009.05.23 14:51:14 ] chromez0r > you taking them out y'day, got them kos'd coz acer is a hawk (killboards etc) and all buddy buddy with cva
[ 2009.05.23 14:51:15 ] chromez0r > get fucked
[ 2009.05.23 14:51:20 ] chromez0r > as if i did
[ 2009.05.23 14:51:55 ] chromez0r > >_>
[ 2009.05.23 14:52:27 ] Siebium Wada > srsly though this jump bug.... how long till patch?
[ 2009.05.23 14:52:29 ] AEISPOOK > r yeah i can vouch for that
[ 2009.05.23 14:52:32 ] Count MonteCarlo > 3 days
[ 2009.05.23 14:52:44 ] Count MonteCarlo > then you guys can proceed having the best day of your lives
[ 2009.05.23 14:52:49 ] Count MonteCarlo > tarac saying that was p cool lol
[ 2009.05.23 14:53:02 ] Nexus Kinnon > ahfghafi internet spaceships diplomacy is hella gay
[ 2009.05.23 14:53:09 ] Nexus Kinnon > thanks anyway chrome, i'll add those people to my addy bookl
[ 2009.05.23 14:53:18 ] AEISPOOK > O red ym weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[ 2009.05.23 14:53:18 ] chromez0r > np
[ 2009.05.23 14:53:45 ] chromez0r > curse :)
[ 2009.05.23 14:54:13 ] Count MonteCarlo > we have some shit 2 sort out, but we'll be back if our demands isnt met cause the war was a shittonne of fun for us
[ 2009.05.23 15:07:49 ] Siebium Wada > other than missiles/hybrids wats the diff between a rook and a falc?
[ 2009.05.23 15:09:10 ] Nexus Kinnon > falcon has a covert ops cloak
[ 2009.05.23 15:09:10 ] ZeEmperoR > CLOAKYWARPY
[ 2009.05.23 15:09:23 ] Siebium Wada > ahhh
[ 2009.05.23 15:18:08 ] Siebium Wada > going bed o/
[ 2009.05.23 15:18:11 ] Count MonteCarlo > gn
[ 2009.05.23 15:18:16 ] chromez0r > nn


 Post subject: Re: Director convo with TWV
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:03 am 
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nice read.

seriously.. myr+fit+apology.

how hard is that?????

never really played the game

 Post subject: Re: Director convo with TWV
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:30 pm 

Joined: Tue May 19, 2009 10:13 pm
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Its done now bai

 Post subject: Re: Director convo with TWV
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 9:48 pm 
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ye i looged in after posting that and saw the corp mail.

never really played the game

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