1. About you irl: How old are you in real life? 24
how often can you play eve? 4-5 hours a day when I work, literally EU primetime to AU primetime on my days off.
Where are you from in real life? Canada, the
other British colony
What timezone do you live in? PST
What languages do you speak?
English, capslock.
2. About you in eve: How many skillpoints do you have? (linking an eveboard.com character sheet helps a lot) http://eveboard.com/pilot/lexa_hellfury what ships can you fly, what do you have experience flying? Frigates: Gallente and Amarr t2, all t1
Destroyers: Gallente and Amarr Interdictors, all t1
Cruisers: Gallente, Minmatar, and sort of Caldari, and anything Amarr that doesn't use medium lasers. Gallente HACs, Minmatar
HACs soon™
BCs: Gallente, Minmatar, Caldari
BS: Gallente
t3: Technically I can fly a Protus, but I don't really know why I would ever want to.
What kind of PvP format do you enjoy (i.e. LR hac gangs, Armor BS, soloing etc.) Nanogangs, solo BC/cruiser/frig, and RR bs are my faves.
Please link a public killboard with your stats. http://eve.battleclinic.com/killboard/c ... a+Hellfury How do you finance your pvp within eve? (i.e. mission running alt, scamming, savings) Generally loot, I also do occasional character trading
3. About you in Genos Why do you want to join Genos? Somebody has to force me to use my Interdictor skill.
List any references you have in corp. Literally everybody and Chunky Milk.
Talk about, in brief, your past year in eve, your recruitment history and what you've been doing. I've been in literally 9001 corps, most of them bad in some way or another, I recently left my corp which was in Hydra
because everybody went inactive. I joined RAK because I actually used to enjoy highsec warfare and thought it would
be fun to give it a go again. It wasn't, and these guys are seriously terrible.