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 Post subject: [Application] Darkriitual
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:33 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:50 am
Posts: 2329
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This fellow had applied directly a few days ago mentioning that his corp was dead and that he had over 60m sp. I looked up his killboard stats anyway just in case and decided it was a "no".

He convos me today and what started out as a "sorry you're bad, bye" conversation turned around as I quickly realized that I had severely misjudged him. I've managed to indicate that there would be a follow up. I think maybe someone who is good at this type of thing should follow up with him and tell him the result of his application (CHED maybe).


Channel ID: -13603052
Channel Name: Private Chat (Darkriitual)
Listener: Duncan Tanner
Session started: 2010.08.19 06:02:28

[ 2010.08.19 06:02:35 ] Duncan Tanner > hi
[ 2010.08.19 06:02:47 ] Darkriitual > I see you rejected my app, are you guys not recruiting.
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:02 ] Duncan Tanner > we are very selectively recruiting
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:02 ] Darkriitual > Theres no one in this corp
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:05 ] Duncan Tanner > i looked you up
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:11 ] Duncan Tanner > and you don't meet our requirements
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:12 ] Darkriitual > Um
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:19 ] Darkriitual > lol
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:26 ] Darkriitual > Are you serious
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:38 ] Duncan Tanner > yea
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:45 ] Darkriitual > darkdecyple
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:49 ] Darkriitual > thats my main
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:59 ] Duncan Tanner > ok
[ 2010.08.19 06:04:08 ] Darkriitual > Im as good as anyone in your corp
[ 2010.08.19 06:04:33 ] Darkriitual > Its cool if you dont want me
[ 2010.08.19 06:04:34 ] Duncan Tanner > so you think I am making a mistake by not recruiting you?
[ 2010.08.19 06:05:24 ] Darkriitual > I think you're making a misteak by saying or thinking im not good enough to join, but I understand if theres other reasons
[ 2010.08.19 06:05:48 ] Duncan Tanner > I don't think there are other reasons
[ 2010.08.19 06:05:59 ] Duncan Tanner > I can't imagine what they might be if there were
[ 2010.08.19 06:06:02 ] Duncan Tanner > one second
[ 2010.08.19 06:06:48 ] Duncan Tanner > why do you want to join genos?
[ 2010.08.19 06:07:12 ] Darkriitual > Lots of -10 chars to pvp with
[ 2010.08.19 06:07:27 ] Darkriitual > Also I like for my gang m8s to know what there doing
[ 2010.08.19 06:07:38 ] Duncan Tanner > their*
[ 2010.08.19 06:07:48 ] Darkriitual > lol
[ 2010.08.19 06:07:50 ] Duncan Tanner > um what ships do you fly?
[ 2010.08.19 06:08:32 ] Darkriitual > Commands BSs recon heavy assault
[ 2010.08.19 06:08:44 ] Darkriitual > All at lvl5 at max damage
[ 2010.08.19 06:09:13 ] Darkriitual > Its ready to go on a killin spree
[ 2010.08.19 06:09:20 ] Darkriitual > This char lol
[ 2010.08.19 06:09:56 ] Duncan Tanner > what is the most important module to fit on a battleship when u are moving thru 0.0
[ 2010.08.19 06:10:36 ] Darkriitual > I dont move BS thru 0.0 alone tbh
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:04 ] Duncan Tanner > can you describe a fight you had in privateers
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:12 ] Duncan Tanner > that you feel would be a good indication
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:16 ] Duncan Tanner > of the kind of player you are?
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:31 ] Darkriitual > I have many
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:38 ] Duncan Tanner > describe the best one
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:45 ] Darkriitual > I use many different tactics tbh
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:54 ] Darkriitual > Best?
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:55 ] Duncan Tanner > ok give me an example
[ 2010.08.19 06:12:13 ] Darkriitual > Hmm sec
[ 2010.08.19 06:12:17 ] Darkriitual > ok
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:02 ] Darkriitual > razu damps a bs, while rifters kill it with fire
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:11 ] Darkriitual > I have so many
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:18 ] Darkriitual > Can go on for a long time
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:35 ] Darkriitual > You know how it is
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:43 ] Duncan Tanner > i understand
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:48 ] Duncan Tanner > so the rifter gets really close
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:57 ] Duncan Tanner > but the arazu has lots of damps so it cant target right
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:05 ] Darkriitual > Yep
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:25 ] Darkriitual > They would stay at 15km or so
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:34 ] Duncan Tanner > which one
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:40 ] Darkriitual > I fly all commands and BSs
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:51 ] Darkriitual > All Heavy assaults
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:53 ] Duncan Tanner > when u fly command ships do u FC?
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:03 ] Darkriitual > All recons and I can use them
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:03 ] Duncan Tanner > our fleet commanders usually are in command ships
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:09 ] Duncan Tanner > so they can command better
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:18 ] Darkriitual > lol:)
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:31 ] Duncan Tanner > i'm not joking...
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:40 ] Duncan Tanner > command ships have good tank
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:48 ] Duncan Tanner > so its good to command from them
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:59 ] Duncan Tanner > i thought u would know this because ur experienced
[ 2010.08.19 06:16:04 ] Duncan Tanner > don't u agree tho?
[ 2010.08.19 06:16:42 ] Darkriitual > As a fleet commander Id rather be in the front line, but thats me, Id say a command ship should be used for bonuses
[ 2010.08.19 06:16:56 ] Darkriitual > But I do small gang pvp
[ 2010.08.19 06:17:32 ] Duncan Tanner > If we had a mach gang
[ 2010.08.19 06:17:37 ] Duncan Tanner > in 0.0 what would you bring?
[ 2010.08.19 06:17:57 ] Darkriitual > A mach
[ 2010.08.19 06:18:14 ] Duncan Tanner > can u fly machs?
[ 2010.08.19 06:18:22 ] Darkriitual > Im close
[ 2010.08.19 06:18:35 ] Darkriitual > A vindi would work
[ 2010.08.19 06:18:45 ] Darkriitual > My vindi is maxed out
[ 2010.08.19 06:18:59 ] Duncan Tanner > a vindi could be really useful in a mach gang actually
[ 2010.08.19 06:19:20 ] Darkriitual > The web is a nice touch
[ 2010.08.19 06:19:55 ] Duncan Tanner > hmm ok
[ 2010.08.19 06:20:04 ] Duncan Tanner > I will post this conversation on our forums
[ 2010.08.19 06:20:18 ] Darkriitual > Ok
[ 2010.08.19 06:20:21 ] Duncan Tanner > so people can consider your application
[ 2010.08.19 06:20:26 ] Duncan Tanner > is there anything you would like to add?
[ 2010.08.19 06:20:32 ] Duncan Tanner > remember other people will be reading this
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:09 ] Darkriitual > Yeah, you can take this dick and suck it lmao.
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:15 ] Darkriitual > :))
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:19 ] Duncan Tanner > lol that's funny = D
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:29 ] Duncan Tanner > ok see you soon
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:34 ] Darkriitual > o7
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:36 ] Duncan Tanner > o/

Alliance Chat:

[ 2010.08.19 06:24:31 ] Darkriitual > Duncan Tanner Has posted my request to join genous ocrsid.
[ 2010.08.19 06:24:37 ] Darkriitual > Everyone take a look:))
[ 2010.08.19 06:25:08 ] Darkriitual > To the Foroums!
[ 2010.08.19 06:25:40 ] Darkriitual > I should post all my kill mails of you guys on there.
[ 2010.08.19 06:25:52 ] Darkriitual > hehe
[ 2010.08.19 06:26:00 ] Darkriitual > Or I think I will.

I'm having doubts that this could possibly be real now...

Edit: upon further review it can't possibly be real, I wonder who it is

[ 2010.08.19 06:34:40 ] Duncan Tanner > These are not the public forums
[ 2010.08.19 06:39:49 ] Darkriitual > Ours are:)
[ 2010.08.19 06:41:37 ] Darkriitual > Have you read the the convos of the great count.
[ 2010.08.19 06:41:40 ] Darkriitual > Epic
[ 2010.08.19 06:42:56 ] Darkriitual > Their mean I have to admit. But funny as hall.
[ 2010.08.19 06:44:16 ] Darkriitual > You will has my in the genos ocrsid or I will has my big Brother who is god pwn you.
[ 2010.08.19 06:44:41 ] Darkriitual > El"mer the great.
[ 2010.08.19 06:45:02 ] Darkriitual > hehe good reading.
[ 2010.08.19 06:47:22 ] Darkriitual > Anyway its late gl all fly safe o7

 Post subject: Re: [Application] Darkriitual
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:39 am 

Joined: Tue May 19, 2009 10:13 pm
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 Post subject: Re: [Application] Darkriitual
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:40 am 
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Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:02 pm
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I dont undastand your issue with him? I'd recroot him to my mercanary corpiration any day.

 Post subject: Re: [Application] Darkriitual
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:41 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:29 am
Posts: 373
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Mickey Simon wrote:
I dont undastand your issue with him? I'd recroot him to my mercanary corpiration any day.

that's some epic motherfucking lurking bro

 Post subject: Re: [Application] Darkriitual
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:56 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:29 am
Posts: 373
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Also thank god we now know how to kill a BS using multiple ships.

 Post subject: Re: [Application] Darkriitual
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:59 am 
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 Post subject: Re: [Application] Darkriitual
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:07 am 
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tho this gave me a good grin- fueled start to my workday

[ 2010.08.19 06:14:53 ] Duncan Tanner > when u fly command ships do u FC?
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:03 ] Darkriitual > All recons and I can use them
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:03 ] Duncan Tanner > our fleet commanders usually are in command ships
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:09 ] Duncan Tanner > so they can command better

Also, vouching. We need more pro PVPers like him now that I'm starting to become like Bai and all the other pros in the inactive ranks.


 Post subject: Re: [Application] Darkriitual
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:46 am 
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Lexa Hellfury wrote:
Mickey Simon wrote:
I dont undastand your issue with him? I'd recroot him to my mercanary corpiration any day.

that's some epic motherfucking lurking bro

I made this account back when I was going to join Genos (before Chunky joined). Then he joined and I didn't, so I didn't have anything to post. :(

 Post subject: Re: [Application] Darkriitual
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:02 am 

Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:15 pm
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Mickey Simon wrote:
Lexa Hellfury wrote:
Mickey Simon wrote:
I dont undastand your issue with him? I'd recroot him to my mercanary corpiration any day.

that's some epic motherfucking lurking bro

I made this account back when I was going to join Genos (before Chunky joined). Then he joined and I didn't, so I didn't have anything to post. :(


btw, get access to the rest of the forums so you can shitpost m8? I guarantee you cannot be worse than me..


 Post subject: Re: [Application] Darkriitual
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:02 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:29 am
Posts: 373
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seemingly chunky is no longer a member m8 8-)

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