This fellow had applied directly a few days ago mentioning that his corp was dead and that he had over 60m sp. I looked up his killboard stats anyway just in case and decided it was a "no".
He convos me today and what started out as a "sorry you're bad, bye" conversation turned around as I quickly realized that I had severely misjudged him. I've managed to indicate that there would be a follow up. I think maybe someone who is good at this type of thing should follow up with him and tell him the result of his application (CHED maybe).
Channel ID: -13603052
Channel Name: Private Chat (Darkriitual)
Listener: Duncan Tanner
Session started: 2010.08.19 06:02:28
[ 2010.08.19 06:02:35 ] Duncan Tanner > hi
[ 2010.08.19 06:02:47 ] Darkriitual > I see you rejected my app, are you guys not recruiting.
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:02 ] Duncan Tanner > we are very selectively recruiting
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:02 ] Darkriitual > Theres no one in this corp
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:05 ] Duncan Tanner > i looked you up
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:11 ] Duncan Tanner > and you don't meet our requirements
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:12 ] Darkriitual > Um
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:19 ] Darkriitual > lol
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:26 ] Darkriitual > Are you serious
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:38 ] Duncan Tanner > yea
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:45 ] Darkriitual > darkdecyple
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:49 ] Darkriitual > thats my main
[ 2010.08.19 06:03:59 ] Duncan Tanner > ok
[ 2010.08.19 06:04:08 ] Darkriitual > Im as good as anyone in your corp
[ 2010.08.19 06:04:33 ] Darkriitual > Its cool if you dont want me
[ 2010.08.19 06:04:34 ] Duncan Tanner > so you think I am making a mistake by not recruiting you?
[ 2010.08.19 06:05:24 ] Darkriitual > I think you're making a misteak by saying or thinking im not good enough to join, but I understand if theres other reasons
[ 2010.08.19 06:05:48 ] Duncan Tanner > I don't think there are other reasons
[ 2010.08.19 06:05:59 ] Duncan Tanner > I can't imagine what they might be if there were
[ 2010.08.19 06:06:02 ] Duncan Tanner > one second
[ 2010.08.19 06:06:48 ] Duncan Tanner > why do you want to join genos?
[ 2010.08.19 06:07:12 ] Darkriitual > Lots of -10 chars to pvp with
[ 2010.08.19 06:07:27 ] Darkriitual > Also I like for my gang m8s to know what there doing
[ 2010.08.19 06:07:38 ] Duncan Tanner > their*
[ 2010.08.19 06:07:48 ] Darkriitual > lol
[ 2010.08.19 06:07:50 ] Duncan Tanner > um what ships do you fly?
[ 2010.08.19 06:08:32 ] Darkriitual > Commands BSs recon heavy assault
[ 2010.08.19 06:08:44 ] Darkriitual > All at lvl5 at max damage
[ 2010.08.19 06:09:13 ] Darkriitual > Its ready to go on a killin spree
[ 2010.08.19 06:09:20 ] Darkriitual > This char lol
[ 2010.08.19 06:09:56 ] Duncan Tanner > what is the most important module to fit on a battleship when u are moving thru 0.0
[ 2010.08.19 06:10:36 ] Darkriitual > I dont move BS thru 0.0 alone tbh
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:04 ] Duncan Tanner > can you describe a fight you had in privateers
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:12 ] Duncan Tanner > that you feel would be a good indication
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:16 ] Duncan Tanner > of the kind of player you are?
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:31 ] Darkriitual > I have many
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:38 ] Duncan Tanner > describe the best one
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:45 ] Darkriitual > I use many different tactics tbh
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:54 ] Darkriitual > Best?
[ 2010.08.19 06:11:55 ] Duncan Tanner > ok give me an example
[ 2010.08.19 06:12:13 ] Darkriitual > Hmm sec
[ 2010.08.19 06:12:17 ] Darkriitual > ok
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:02 ] Darkriitual > razu damps a bs, while rifters kill it with fire
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:11 ] Darkriitual > I have so many
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:18 ] Darkriitual > Can go on for a long time
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:35 ] Darkriitual > You know how it is
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:43 ] Duncan Tanner > i understand
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:48 ] Duncan Tanner > so the rifter gets really close
[ 2010.08.19 06:13:57 ] Duncan Tanner > but the arazu has lots of damps so it cant target right
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:05 ] Darkriitual > Yep
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:25 ] Darkriitual > They would stay at 15km or so
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:34 ] Duncan Tanner > which one
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:40 ] Darkriitual > I fly all commands and BSs
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:51 ] Darkriitual > All Heavy assaults
[ 2010.08.19 06:14:53 ] Duncan Tanner > when u fly command ships do u FC?
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:03 ] Darkriitual > All recons and I can use them
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:03 ] Duncan Tanner > our fleet commanders usually are in command ships
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:09 ] Duncan Tanner > so they can command better
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:18 ] Darkriitual > lol:)
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:31 ] Duncan Tanner > i'm not joking...
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:40 ] Duncan Tanner > command ships have good tank
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:48 ] Duncan Tanner > so its good to command from them
[ 2010.08.19 06:15:59 ] Duncan Tanner > i thought u would know this because ur experienced
[ 2010.08.19 06:16:04 ] Duncan Tanner > don't u agree tho?
[ 2010.08.19 06:16:42 ] Darkriitual > As a fleet commander Id rather be in the front line, but thats me, Id say a command ship should be used for bonuses
[ 2010.08.19 06:16:56 ] Darkriitual > But I do small gang pvp
[ 2010.08.19 06:17:32 ] Duncan Tanner > If we had a mach gang
[ 2010.08.19 06:17:37 ] Duncan Tanner > in 0.0 what would you bring?
[ 2010.08.19 06:17:57 ] Darkriitual > A mach
[ 2010.08.19 06:18:14 ] Duncan Tanner > can u fly machs?
[ 2010.08.19 06:18:22 ] Darkriitual > Im close
[ 2010.08.19 06:18:35 ] Darkriitual > A vindi would work
[ 2010.08.19 06:18:45 ] Darkriitual > My vindi is maxed out
[ 2010.08.19 06:18:59 ] Duncan Tanner > a vindi could be really useful in a mach gang actually
[ 2010.08.19 06:19:20 ] Darkriitual > The web is a nice touch
[ 2010.08.19 06:19:55 ] Duncan Tanner > hmm ok
[ 2010.08.19 06:20:04 ] Duncan Tanner > I will post this conversation on our forums
[ 2010.08.19 06:20:18 ] Darkriitual > Ok
[ 2010.08.19 06:20:21 ] Duncan Tanner > so people can consider your application
[ 2010.08.19 06:20:26 ] Duncan Tanner > is there anything you would like to add?
[ 2010.08.19 06:20:32 ] Duncan Tanner > remember other people will be reading this
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:09 ] Darkriitual > Yeah, you can take this dick and suck it lmao.
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:15 ] Darkriitual >

[ 2010.08.19 06:21:19 ] Duncan Tanner > lol that's funny = D
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:29 ] Duncan Tanner > ok see you soon
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:34 ] Darkriitual > o7
[ 2010.08.19 06:21:36 ] Duncan Tanner > o/
Alliance Chat:
[ 2010.08.19 06:24:31 ] Darkriitual > Duncan Tanner Has posted my request to join genous ocrsid.
[ 2010.08.19 06:24:37 ] Darkriitual > Everyone take a look:))
[ 2010.08.19 06:25:08 ] Darkriitual > To the Foroums!
[ 2010.08.19 06:25:40 ] Darkriitual > I should post all my kill mails of you guys on there.
[ 2010.08.19 06:25:52 ] Darkriitual > hehe
[ 2010.08.19 06:26:00 ] Darkriitual > Or I think I will.
I'm having doubts that this could possibly be real now...
Edit: upon further review it can't possibly be real, I wonder who it is
[ 2010.08.19 06:34:40 ] Duncan Tanner > These are not the public forums
[ 2010.08.19 06:39:49 ] Darkriitual > Ours are:)
[ 2010.08.19 06:41:37 ] Darkriitual > Have you read the the convos of the great count.
[ 2010.08.19 06:41:40 ] Darkriitual > Epic
[ 2010.08.19 06:42:56 ] Darkriitual > Their mean I have to admit. But funny as hall.
[ 2010.08.19 06:44:16 ] Darkriitual > You will has my in the genos ocrsid or I will has my big Brother who is god pwn you.
[ 2010.08.19 06:44:41 ] Darkriitual > El"mer the great.
[ 2010.08.19 06:45:02 ] Darkriitual > hehe good reading.
[ 2010.08.19 06:47:22 ] Darkriitual > Anyway its late gl all fly safe o7