1. About you irl:
How old are you in real life?
How often can you play eve?
too much, currently real life job hunting so I have time to spare
Where are you from in real life?
What timezone do you live in?
Eve Time is the same as mine... my god that rhymes
2. About you in eve:
How many skillpoints do you have? (linking an eveboard.com character sheet helps a lot)
just over 21 million sp it is spread out abit
http://eveboard.com/pilot/Bai_WinlockWhat ships can you fly, what do you have experience flying?
frigs, t2 frigs, cruisers t2 gal cruisers (hac, recon, hic and t3) bs's and bc's
I mostly fly assualt frigs and battlecruisers and the occasional hac
What kind of PvP format do you enjoy (i.e. LR hac gangs, Armor BS, soloing etc.)
smallish gang, I dislick nano fag gangs that keep distant as the combat feels disconnected for me.
I'll admit i'm not that good at solo pvp
Please link a public killboard with your stats.
http://eve-kill.net/?a=pilot_detail&plt_id=465801How do you finance your pvp within eve? (i.e. mission running alt, scamming, savings)
mission, ratting and plex's if money allows
3. About what you want to achieve in Mad Bombers
I'd like to improve my skill within pvp possably solo and definatly gang.
Why do you want to join us?
I've fought your guys a few good times and always had fun, even when claiming someone was n00b and knowing he wasn't =p
List any references you have in corp.
Talk about, in brief, your past year in eve, your recruitment history and what you've been doing.
past year in eve has been odd.
I joined a corp in a renter alliance that fail cascaded, but got a good month in null.
left to try my mown thing which failed as i got bored and couldn't recruit anyone, ended up joining rote kaplle
who alot of members turned out to be over zealous on ship fittings and were quite vocal about it.
I rejoined my old corp who were in low sec with a new alliance formed by old members of the fail one, that were war dec'd by No.Mercy. which again due to the war fail cascaded.
i joined a corp that was going to null and joined hydra for a few weeks, we all did a few weeks of roams in geminite untill the corps were all kicked from hydra.
I tried faction war but that failed as everyone was paranoid and refused to do anything with new members as we were possably spies.
I then joined a nc blue alliance and then joined Wildly inap... who are crap btw.. at least most of the other corps in it are.
just before i left them due to lots of allaince problems they had lost 6 caps to a darkside / PL mach drake fleet, which I though was quite funny and retarded.