Last night, I was being shitty on SISI trying some (TQ-aimed, silly I know) Dictor fits out, died to an Ishkur(alden good) + Hawk(kwik star) while killing the Hawk. Some local banter ensued, Outbreak voiced their official opinions as well(
[ 2010.11.30 06:50:58 ] alden good > raimo
[ 2010.11.30 06:51:04 ] alden good > didnt recognize yr name
[ 2010.11.30 06:51:18 ] Jangizal > Nardman, I'm going to suicide into you if that's okay
[ 2010.11.30 06:51:23 ] Jangizal > Here I come[ 2010.11.30 06:51:28 ] Nardman > yeah
[ 2010.11.30 06:51:47 ] kwik star > hahahahaha
[ 2010.11.30 06:51:51 ] Raimo > gf
[ 2010.11.30 06:51:51 ] Princess Aspire > nn all
[ 2010.11.30 06:51:54 ] Jangizal > nn
[ 2010.11.30 06:52:17 ] kwik star > i like the harpy better
[ 2010.11.30 06:52:18 ] alden good > im a bit of a genos stalker
[ 2010.11.30 06:52:24 ] Raimo > lol ok
[ 2010.11.30 06:52:31 ] Jangizal > Who ?
[ 2010.11.30 06:52:37 ] Raimo > I'm v rusty, been out of the game for 6 months
[ 2010.11.30 06:52:38 ] Jangizal > Genos ? =p
[ 2010.11.30 06:52:49 ] alden good > dang
[ 2010.11.30 06:52:51 ] Raimo > Just trying some silly stuff out
[ 2010.11.30 06:52:58 ] alden good > just in time for new expansion hehe
[ 2010.11.30 06:52:59 ] Jangizal > Raimo
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:05 ] Jangizal > tell Duncan he's gay
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:06 ] Jangizal > that is all
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:08 ] Jangizal > =]
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:12 ] Raimo > I'm assuming he is
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:12 ] alden good > wat dont insult duncan!!!!
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:19 ] alden good > i kill u!!!
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:23 ] Jangizal > I can insult him if I want
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:28 ] kwik star > lmao
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:38 ] Raimo > but I've actually only flown with him a few times, he started becoming more active when I went awol
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:41 ] Jangizal > He flies hurricanes in 'roaming gangs'
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:41 ] alden good > dam commy
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:46 ] kwik star > hahahahaha
[ 2010.11.30 06:53:52 ] Jangizal > and drakes
[ 2010.11.30 06:54:01 ] Jangizal > instead of cynabals or sabres
[ 2010.11.30 06:54:09 ] Raimo > drakes are better than cynabals or sabres
[ 2010.11.30 06:54:13 ] Jangizal > hahah
[ 2010.11.30 06:54:20 ] kwik star > ummmm what?
[ 2010.11.30 06:54:22 ] Jangizal > See that's a true carebear statement =p
[ 2010.11.30 06:54:30 ] Raimo > /slash: /o
[ 2010.11.30 06:54:31 ] Jangizal > [06:54:09] Raimo drakes are better than cynabals or sabres
[ 2010.11.30 06:54:46 ] Jangizal > drakes can't get away from trouble like cynabals or sabres can
[ 2010.11.30 06:54:52 ] Jangizal > ie; worse =]
[ 2010.11.30 06:54:58 ] Jangizal > also low dps ships!
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:01 ] Rail J'kar > only for mission running
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:04 ] Raimo > yep but for 10-50 they are much better, silly outbreak
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:08 ] Raimo > '10v50
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:12 ] Jangizal > No
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:16 ] Raimo > oh they are
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:18 ] Raimo > lol
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:19 ] Jangizal > Nope
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:21 ] Jangizal > haha
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:26 ] Jangizal > maybe if you're carebearing
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:43 ] MsBio II > lol drakes are VERY cost effective
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:43 ] Jangizal > I love people that still fly drakes
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:46 ] Raimo > didn't know outbreak was now about bad trolling
[ 2010.11.30 06:55:50 ] MsBio II > than cyna or sabre
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:02 ] Rail J'kar > though... you could fit them as high dps.. since people generally don't attack them first
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:03 ] Jangizal > drakes can't do anything a cynabal can do =p
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:06 ] Raimo > cynabals and sabres are near to useless in 10v50
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:11 ] Jangizal > sabres ?
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:13 ] Jangizal > haha
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:19 ] Jangizal > I think those are far more important ^^
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:22 ] Jangizal > bubbles are handy
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:23 ] alden good > kwik i need to borrow some of yr cap
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:32 ] Raimo > sabre isn't exactly the best bubbler
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:37 ] MsBio II > sabre is about as useful as a flaming bag of dog shit xD
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:39 ] Jangizal > wat
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:41 ] Jangizal > Raimo
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:44 ] Jangizal > You're done
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:48 ] Raimo > it's the best soloer m8
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:51 ] Jangizal > Blue or not, you're dumb =p
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:51 ] MsBio II > 1-2 hits and sabre goes down
[ 2010.11.30 06:56:55 ] MsBio II > least drake tanks

[ 2010.11.30 06:57:20 ] Raimo > sabre is like the least cost effective tackler o.0
[ 2010.11.30 06:57:22 ] Rail J'kar > lol.... you don't stay around to let your sabre die... you drop your bubble and gtfo
[ 2010.11.30 06:57:24 ] MsBio II > and cynabal....they are good dps poor tank....very easy to kill a cyna in a drake
[ 2010.11.30 06:57:28 ] Jangizal > You silly noobs are missing how to pvp =p
[ 2010.11.30 06:57:35 ] Jangizal > ♥
[ 2010.11.30 06:57:46 ] alden good > ty kwik
[ 2010.11.30 06:57:51 ] Raimo > and cyna is only good for killing tacklers except it's not the best option
[ 2010.11.30 06:58:04 ] Jangizal > TQ baby
[ 2010.11.30 06:58:09 ] Raimo > that being said, I would ofc rather solo in cynas and sabres than drakes unless I was being cheap
[ 2010.11.30 06:58:16 ] Rail J'kar > i almost lost a harbie to a cynabal once
[ 2010.11.30 06:58:24 ] Rail J'kar > almost
[ 2010.11.30 06:58:27 ] MsBio II > screw both them ships get a vaga and kill shit :d
[ 2010.11.30 06:58:41 ] alden good > want help kwi?k
[ 2010.11.30 06:59:00 ] Raimo > but yeah, didn't know outbreak was a pvp training corp now
[ 2010.11.30 06:59:10 ] Raimo > anyway, have a good sisi dt o7
(He logged just before my last comments, also sorry Antoine and yes I know it's not funny at all BUT WE NEED TO CONSIDER OUR APPLICANTS WELL)