1. About you irl:
How old are you in real life? 22
how often can you play eve? once or twice a week
Where are you from in real life? China, living in the UK atm
What timezone do you live in? UK
What is your favorite Pokemon? the Troll
What languages do you speak? English
2. About you in eve:
How many skillpoints do you have? (linking an eveboard.com character sheet helps a lot) (skill points: 36,631,993)
what ships can you fly, what do you have experience flying? caldari and winmatar
What kind of PvP format do you enjoy (i.e. LR hac gangs, Armor BS, soloing etc.) solo dying, small gang
Please link a public killboard with your stats.
http://eve-kill.net/?a=pilot_detail&plt_id=139145How do you finance your pvp within eve? (i.e. mission running alt, scamming, savings) savings from good old days
3. About you in Genos
Why do you want to join Genos? was flying alone side garmon, CHED, bai, prome(well he soloz) and lots of others around 08, after a huge break, (and watched garmon 8) i think this is the only corp that provides gfgfgf and lots of giggles all the time.
List any references you have in corp. was talking to Bai zongtong on skype he will vouch for me, and garmon.....if he remembers me
Talk about, in brief, your past year in eve, your recruitment history and what you've been doing. when garmon made the first 2 garmonism with ruptures, i stalked him to a channel he used to hang in the videos (garm bending over to stalkers...) that how i first know the bunch and started shit about with everyone, then instead of joining genos, i joined heretic army to farm in tri-venal. i afked from eve at 09 until now
(yeah, i know, i joined few corps inbtween, i joined, then afk'ed some more until kicked)