About you IRLHow old are you in real life?
I am 29.
how often can you play eve?
Whenever I'm not sleeping I am playing. So around 18 hours a day.
Where are you from in real life?
I am from West Virginia, USA
What timezone do you live in?
Eastern Standard Time - GMT -5
What is your favorite Pokemon?
I don't know. I was too busy playing Ultima Online.
What languages do you speak?
About you in eveHow many skillpoints do you have?
36.6 million
http://eveboard.com/pilot/Anxiir pw: tuskers
what ships can you fly, what do you have experience flying?
Gallente and Minmatar up to BC well. Working on Amarr now. Can fly Gallente BSs but not well enough to PVP with.
I can fly frigates pretty good. I rarely lose 1v1 in a ship I know, such as rifters, tristans, comets, ranis, dramiel, daredevil, armor cane (i suck at kiting in shield cane),myrm and brutix. In fact most of my losses are from being blobbed, and in FW areas, thats pretty often.
What kind of PvP format do you enjoy.
Please link a public killboard with your stats.
http://eve.battleclinic.com/killboard/c ... ame=AnxiirHow do you finance your pvp within eve?
nullsec carebear alt.
About you in GenosWhy do you want to join Genos?
I want to be with people who simply love PVP, be it in battleships or noobships. To be with people who will go against all odds just for the hell of it. I have yet to find a corp that shows this. Most corps are either blob or go home, or lets dock up while the hostiles pass.
List any references you have in corp.
Talk about, in brief, your past year in eve, your recruitment history and what you've been doing.
I left Majesta Empire due to stupid politics, joined a really stupid wormhole corp, that lasted a whole 3 days

. Played with myself inside a wormhole for a week then joined The Tuskers. Loved The Tuskers, however they have a problem with my alt being in a carebear corp and thus quit, being a pirate is fun and all, but when you have to work unnecessarily hard for isk to fund PVP, there comes a point where the fun value disappears and it turn into a job.