Chunky Milk wrote:
What does the smoke do? & Why is the queen trapped?
I have absolutely no idea how bee hives work but looks pretty interesting. Good job & good luck.
I thought that the smoke in a smoker was special smoke designed to make bees do my bidding, but it's not. It's just regular smoke from whatever you've got that burns.
Smoke makes the bees head straight for the food stores in the hive and start pigging out. The reason for this is that they think fire is coming and that pretty soon they're going to have to clear out of here or die in a fire. So they gorge on food to prepare for the next few days which would be very difficult for them without a hive and to give them the strength to find a new place to live.
I suppose that means it's a pretty cruel trick to play on them.
The queen being trapped, well... I don't know the specifics of this as I'm not the one that trapped the queens, but I've been reading about why queens are trapped sometimes. The most likely reason I can find is that this queen is new and these bees did not come from this queen, so the breeder I got my bees from basically split one of his existing hives and put them in a box, the box I got them in, and put a trapped queen in the box. The trapped queen would, over time, sieze control of the bees in the box using weird bee pheromones, so now that queen is their queen. But if the queen was free, and the bees were free and both were alien to each other, they'd all just go and do whatever they want instead of bonding.
Then again, it might be something else entirely. I've been wrong pretty much with 80% of everything I've done so far in beekeeping, so it would be no surprise at all.