1. About you irl: How old are you in real life? 30
how often can you play eve? always
Where are you from in real life? glasgow
What timezone do you live in? GMT+0
What other games do you play? only Gta 4 really
What languages do you speak? English
2. About you in eve:
How many skillpoints do you have?http://eveboard.com/pilot/de_votsohttp://eveboard.com/pilot/BensonMotowhat ships can you fly, what do you have experience flying? As long as its fun i'll fly anything but Active tanked BC/BS with drugs and links or nano cane/drake would be my flavor for day to day
What kind of PvP format do you enjoy (i.e. LR hac gangs, Armor BS, soloing etc.)Solo then Nano gangs then heavy armor zealot gangs, tbh as long as its pushing me i enjoy it
Please link a public killboard with your stats.http://blacksun.eve-kill.net/index.php? ... t_id=92473How do you finance your pvp within eve? (i.e. mission running alt, scamming, savings)I use isk magnets to accumulate isk
3. About you in Genos
Why do you want to join Genos?I'd rather be around decent pew pew artists and i want to continue to learn.
List any references you have in corp.None as far as i know.
Talk about, in brief, your past year in eve, your recruitment history and what you've been doing.Maybe around a year ago i was in we form voltron which was fun while it lasted. moved to curse after that and join some carebears trying to get some pew which was also fun till that cascaded after the AT. The only constant during the last year has been my solo effort of finding very bad fights and occassionly coming out on top but its worth it.