Everyone drinks before 21, and 18.
Everyone fucks before 18 (unless you're a future 40yo virgin) Everyone. Its actually seen as unacceptable to reach 18 and still be a virgin. You're either a prude, in the women's case, or a neckbeard, in men's.
People go political before 18. Your opinion at 16, will be largely slanted towards a certain political archetype, due to your family background and education. At 18, it will be that very same political archetype you'll be voting for, just two years later. Most people vote for the same fucking party their whole life.
its good to know you made an argument rather than a bunch of generalisations dripping in your own fear of being rejected by your peers.
if anything youve just given weight to my argument that there exist people way beyond the legal age not mature enough to deal with sex.