some interesting things i found out, the age of consent in south australia and in tasmania is actually 17. (and in queensland age of consent to "sodomy" - anal sex, is 18 years old. at face value i think thats honestly anti-gay but i would need to look into it more and how its applied. which im not going to)
they both have exemption clauses for people under that who are within certain age limits, but i would again point out, this is not necessary as in australia we dont tend to prosecute bad cases in criminal law (and when we do its to establish new interpretations etc)
but im just so glad we all agreed at 15 we could have as much sex as we wanted to with whoever we wanted to and no one should be able to interfere with what we want.
pretty much exactly spoiled entitled brats sound like.
you cant drink under a certain age, you cant smoke under a certain age, you cant have sex under a certain age. sorry to burst your cherr... bubbles.
oh and:
Why are there age of consent laws?
Age of consent laws are designed to protect children and young people from sexual exploitation and abuse. Such laws effectively determine that children and young people below the age of consent do not have the emotional maturity to consent to sexual activities. In relation to sexual abuse charges in each state and territory, the key difference between child sexual assault and adult sexual assault is that adult sexual assault is based on the absence of sexual consent, whereas in child sexual assault, the issue of consent is superseded by age of consent laws (Eade, 2003). An important distinction should be made between "willingness" and "consent". A child may be willing to engage in sexual behaviour; however, as they do not have the psychological capacity to give consent according to law, all sexual interactions between an adult and a person under the age of consent are considered abusive (Barbaree & Marshall, 2006).
pretty much exactly what ive been saying.