Halarach wrote:
What is your position on abortion?
I think the current views in england on abortion is:
Slut 1: Oh no, i got pregnant off that dude i dont know because im a dumb fuck
Slut doctor: dont worry, we can abort that right out of you
I understand that abortion for little mistakes and rape is justified, but i think we should have some sort of "you can only have so many abortions" rule:
Slut 1: Oh no, i got pregnant off that dude i dont know because im a dumb fuck
Slut doctor: I'm sorry, you've already aborted your last 3 childen this week, come back in 10 months time
Slut 1: how will i afford my crack now?
this limit on abortions should also apply to rape, so people cant just say they were raped. Also if a women was raped that many times then she should stop leading people on.
is aborion covered by medical insurance? maybe just make only the first few abortions eligible for insurance.