Intigo wrote:
Will Adama wrote:
I've been doing something called CrossFit for a while now and it's actually pretty chill, especially if you don't like regular forms of fitness, but it's expensive as fuck though
expensive as fuck? isn't crossfit just combining a lot of different exercises and doing it at a really high intensity?
why would it be more expensive than other kinds of workouts? o.O because you gotta use a lot of different 'items'?
No it's because it's 'lessons' rather than 'open gym' because it's usually a rather technical workout, so there's always an instructor that needs to be paid (and there's only like 15 people on each lesson). Actually there's way less use of 'items' compared to other stuff cause their philosophy is that all the exercises should be doable with just your body and items that you commonly use or something.
but yeah, it's basically part gymnastics, part athletics and part regular 'weight lifting' kind of stuff done at extreme intensity in 1-hour workouts