1. About you irl:
How old are you in real life?
22 yrs
how often can you play eve?
Evening : D
Where are you from in real life?
What timezone do you live in?
What languages do you speak?
French :]
2. About you in eve:
How many skillpoints do you have?
what ships can you fly, what do you have experience flying?
All ships, for the experience :
http://eve-kill.net/?a=pilot_detail&plt_id=9810 (Nano, active shield,..)
What kind of PvP format do you enjoy (i.e. LR hac gangs, Armor BS, soloing etc.)
Soloing, small fleet
Please link a public killboard with your stats.
http://eve-kill.net/?a=pilot_detail&plt_id=9810How do you finance your pvp within eve? (i.e. mission running alt, scamming, savings)
Loot in pewpew, sell items, . . i try to survive : D
3. About you in Genos
Why do you want to join Genos?
Best pewpew corp ! For Garm and others ♥ Make sexy Vid's, working my poor english : ]
List any references you have in corp.
Garm, Minigin in Trium ! and Will : ]
Talk about, in brief, your past year in eve, your recruitment history and what you've been doing.
I started in a small corp French, then I go through a bunch of alliance and corporation.
My best memory was in TRium (D00M.) with excelent relation with Darknesss and Twink <3
Lot of corp/ally (Account since 2005) laast in Rooks and kings, i left to take a break : )
Pyto ♥