How old are you in real life? I'm 19
how often can you play eve? I can spend bout 3-5 hours during the week, and even whole days in weekends.
Where are you from in real life? Poland
What timezone do you live in? EU
What other games do you play? The newest Deus Ex, CoD MW 2&3, NFS PS, Kotor and Mass Effect
What languages do you speak? English and Polish
How many skillpoints do you have? (linking an eveboard.com character sheet helps a lot)Miltiswhat ships can you fly, what do you have experience flying?U can check on eveboard what i can fly. In flying what im good and what i really like - frigates, especially rifter and taranis, bout cruisers i know how to fly vaga but i had long break in flyin it, BC - cane, myrmidon and brutix, sometimes cyclone. Bout BS i love megas and dominix. I also like flying guardian so i can easily board it if needed.
What kind of PvP format do you enjoy (i.e. LR hac gangs, Armor BS, soloing etc.)I like solo pvp and small gangs (over 10ppl is a crowd for me).
Please link a public killboard with your stats.
BattleclinicEvEKillHow do you finance your pvp within eve? (i.e. mission running alt, scamming, savings)Actually - scamming, selling stuff i don't need and ratting if i need to increase my SS
Why do you want to join Genos?Because I think u r the best pvp corporation in that game, and wanna fly with the best.
List any references you have in corp. Here u got me i don't know anybody personally.
Talk about, in brief, your past year in eve, your recruitment history and what you've been doing.First half of last year i spent in c0ven when flying with them was nice. Later all started to fuck. Dramas, most ppl were killing sansha instead of killing other players. I started lookin for better place for me - Venal, WH carebear corp, WH pirate corp, blob factory in cloud ring, after that i cam back to c0ven i found that this ally is going down and i decide that i'll try to join you (i've been thinkin bout that for longer time). That's actually all.