1. About you irl:
How old are you in real life? 22
how often can you play eve? wenever I'm awake
Where are you from in real life? Sydney, Australia
What timezone do you live in? GMT +10
What languages do you speak? English
2. About you in eve:
How many skillpoints do you have?
http://eveboard.com/pilot/Vanakov_Mek%27lanavarwhat ships can you fly, what do you have experience flying?
every pvp ship bar a few capitals. flown pretty much all of them.
What kind of PvP format do you enjoy?
recon/hac gangs 0-5 people, solo lowsec/0.0. fc'ing lowsec fleets no more than 10
Please link a public killboard with your stats.
http://sip1.evekb.co.uk/?a=pilot_detail&plt_id=35240How do you finance your pvp within eve?
market pvp, have a fair amount of savings/ jf alt
3. About you in Genos
Why do you want to join Genos?
you look like a decent pvp corp active in my tz
List any references you have in corp.
Duncan Tanner
Talk about, in brief, your past year in eve, your recruitment history and what you've been doing.
was CEO of Sileo In Pacis
http://sip1.evekb.co.uk/?a=cc_detail&ctr_id=2717 for most of that time. small lowsec corp, then we formed an alliance called The Space P0lice with another local corp. activity died out for a while as rl got in the way of a few people so I joined 0utbreak for a while and flew with duncan tanner there. Then as the alliance tourney approached activity got high again and I joined back to lead our team. Activity died down again lately and have been looking for a descent corp the last few weeks