Minigin wrote:
well then im afraid its time to reveal my true nature.
i am a serial child molester. i believe that having sex with children under the age of 16 who consent is not wrong at all. i am perfectly gentle with them and never force them to do anything they dont want to. why should you stop me?
how dare you impose your rules on me?!?!?!?!
I'll concede it does come down to proportionality. And, proportionally speaking a 20 yo is vastly more likely to be able to abuse and manipulate a person under 16. Key word, vastly.
Again i'll concede that with a 15yo having sex with a 16yo the same thing can happen. However, the chances of such are vastly lower. The power imbalances between teens of that age are in general similar. Yes, this is not always the case but like any law it is based on proportionality. At the very least the chances of it happening a low enough that it's not an area that the law should be getting involved in. It's only when harm is at least
the probable outcome & that the
harm is serious enough that the law should be stepping in.
Happy Minigin?